This choir was founded in 1984 on impulse byGorka Sierra, the then director of the Bilbao Choir. Since February 1994 the choir, which is principally the students of the Conservatory of the Choral Society of Bilbao, has had as director José LuísOrmazabal.
Amongst those directors, under whom students have performed, there has been; John Elliot Gardiner, EdmonColomer, Mistoslav Rostropovich, Daniel Nazaret, Odón Alonso, RosMarbá, Theo Alcántara, Victor Pablo Pérez, Marco Armillato, Hans Graf, TamasVasary, Elio Boncompagni, Juanjo Mena, Jerzy Semkow, Valery Gergiev, Josep Pons, Pablo González andYaronTraub,
Over the years they have performed on different occasions inthe Arriaga Theatre in Bilbao, in the National Auditorium in Madrid, in the Royal Theatre in Madrid, in the Auditorium in Palma de Mallorca, in the Palace of the Granja in Segovia, in the Roman Theatre in Sagunto, in the Palace of Exhibition and Congress in Madrid, in theMaestranzainSevilla, in the Palau de la Músicain Barcelona, in theRoyal Palace Chapel in Versalles, in the Auditorium in Nantes, in the Teatro Palacio de la Audienciain Soria, in the Auditorium in Cuenca, in the Palace of Congress Auditorium in La Coruña, in the Victoria Eugenia Theatreand in theVelódromoAnoetain San Sebastiánandin theGuimeráTheatre in Tenerife, as well as a large number of locations in Vizcaya.
The JONDE, the National Orchestra of Spain, The Symphony Orchestra of Bilbao, The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, The Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife, The SymphonyOrchestra of Galicia, The Symphony Orchestra of Vizcayaand the Opera Orchestra of the MariinskyTheatre, are only some those they have performed with.
In the world of folk music they have collaborated on many concerts together withKepaJunkera. They have recorded a CD of the cantata “Alegrías” byAntónGarcía Abril,with the Symphony Orchestra of Galicia, directed byVíctor Pablo Pérez, and another “Asícantan los chicos” byGuriditogether with BOS and its conductorJuanjo Mena. Also, participation on the album “AmetsEgin” (Songs for a musical education) produced by the Choral Society of Bilbao.