Editions and Publications
Lide ta Ixidor
Grabación realizada en 2021
Kanta dagigun danok
Grabación realizada en 2021

Grabación realizada en 2020

Argi hastian
Grabación realizada en 2020

Various Authors Selected pieces of pop music. Exclusively edited by Velatia
Piano: Anus Cividian – Guitar: Xabier Méndez – Organ Hammond: Juan Ortiz – Coro Euskeria of the Bilbao Choir – Urko Sangróniz, director
Recorded in the rehearsal room of The choral Society of Bilbao from the 22nd to the 24th of June 2012.
Dep. Legal Bi/1886/2012
125 Urte Kantuan

125 UrteKantuan/ Singingthrough 125 years
Various Authors A production created to commemorate the 125th anniversary of The Choral Society of Bilbao.
The Bilbao Municipal Band – The Bilbao Choir, Coro Euskeria of the Bilbao Choir and the Conservatory Choir of the Bilbao Choir – IñakiUrkizu, director
Recorded on the premises of EITB in Bilbao, June 2011
Christmas Concert BBVA

Christmas Concert BBVA-125thanniversary of the Choral Society
Various Authors
The Bilbao Municipal Band – The Bilbao Choir, Coro Euskeria of the Bilbao Choir and the Conservatory Choir of the Bilbao Choir – IñakiUrkizu, director
Dep. Legal: BI-3181/2011 BBVA
Pablo Sorozabal

Pablo Sorozabal
Pablo Sorozabal (1897-1988) (Various works)
Maite Arruabarrena, soprano – the Basque Symphony Orchestra – The Choral Society of Bilbao – Cristian Mandeal, director
Basque Music Collection, Vol. VI Claves Records CD50-2205
Rerelease: collection “Música Vasca-Euskal Musika” 2008 International Book Club Dep. Legal S-1057-2008

Pablo Sorozábal (1897-1988) Zarzuela in an original play by Emilio González del Castillo and Manuel Martinalonso Critical editing by Pablo Sorozabal Gómez
Katiuska: Maite Alberola, soprano – Pedro Starkof: Ángel Odena, baritone – Príncipe Sergio: Jon Plazaola, tenor – Coronel Brunovich: Enrique Baquerizo, baritone – Olga: Milagros Martín, soprano – Tatiana: Trinidad Iglesias, actress – Boni: MikeldiAtxalandabaso, tenor – Amadeo Pich: Lander Iglesias, actor
The Symphony Orchestra of Bilbao – The Choral Society of Bilbao – David Giménez Carreras, musical director – Emilio Sagi, stage director
A new production of the Arriaga Theatre in cooperation with theCalderónTheatre in Valladolid, the CampoamorTheatre in Oviedo and the Spanish Theatre in Madrid Recorded in the Arriaga Theatre in Bilbao from 24th to the 29th of September 2008
2009 Spanish Zarzuela foundation and authorization stamp SA01625
Dep. Legal M-19657-2009- S.G.A.E.- DVD
Music of the spheres

Music of the spheres
Mikel Oldfield (1953-)
Available on CD for first time 2 CD limited Edition CD 2 – Bonus Disc featuring “Live at the Guggenheim” performance (07.03.08)
Hayley Westenra, soprano – Mikel Oldfield, guitar – The Symphony Orchestra of Vizcaya – The Choral Society of Bilbao (ladies choir) – Enrique Ugarte, director
Mercury Records Limited under exclusive licence to Universal Music Classics and Jazz a division of Universal Operations Limited Made in EU. BIEM/SABAM.00028947669708 www.mikeoldfield.com

Gernika, an opera in four acts
Francisco Escudero (1912-2002)
Commisioned by The Choral Society of Bilbao in 1979 Libreto: Francisco Escudero based it on a story by Luis Iriondo
Gernika: Ana Mª Sánchez, soprano – Podio: Manuel Lanza, baritone – Gogor: Gustavo Peña, tenor – Aitona: Alfonso Echevarría, bass – Rey: Enrique Baquerizo, baritone – Publio: Fernando Cobo, tenor – Aitor/Honorífico 2: Gorka Gerrikabeitia, tenor (*) – Aritz: Luis Mª Uriarte, tenor (*) – Arkaitz: Jesús Arranz, (*) – Honorifico 1: Imanol Nebreda, tenor (*) – Heraldo/Jefe de Tropa: UrkoSangroniz, baritone (*) – Monja: Loli Hernández, soprano (*) (*) Components of the choir
The Basque Symphony Orchestra – The Choral Society of Bilbao – José Ramón Encinar, director Recorded in November and December 2007,at the headquarters of The Basque National Orchestra inMiramón, Donostia-San Sebastian.
DECCA 0028947667957. GERNIKA. Francisco Escudero 2 CDs

Gontzal Mendíbil (1956-) Arrupe, Ikuskizun Musikala/Musical A production created to commemorate the centenary of the birth of Father Arrupe, superior General of the Jesuits.
Gontzal Mendibil – Ludvig Symphony Orchestra – Orfeón Donostiarra – the Conservatory Choir of the Bilbao Choir – Pascual Molongua – Ballet Igor Yebra – Beti Jai Alai Dantzak – Juanjo Ocón, director
KEINU Produkzioak LG/DL BI 3063-07 2 CDs&DVD Euskalduna Jauregian Zuzenean grabatua/ Recorded at the Euskalduna Palace (14.11.07). www.gontzalmendibil.com www.pedroarrupe.net
A concertin the Church Of the Royal Convent of the Incarnation

A concertin the Church Of the Royal Convent of the Incarnation
Offered by the senate with motivated by the XXV Anniversary of the Spanish Constitution
Various Authors
Organist, Gerardo Rifón – The Choral Society of Bilbao – Gorka Sierra, director
Recorded in the Church Of the Royal Convent of the Incarnation in Madrid, 31 October 2003 Studio “Uncle Pete”

G. Puccini (1858-1924) An opera in three acts
Princess Turandot: Giovanna Casolla, soprano – Calaf: LandoBartolini, tenor – Liu: MasakoDeguci, soprano – El emperador: Francisco Heredia, tenor – Timur: Felipe Bou, bass – Ping: Armando Ariostini, baritone – Pang: Javier Más, tenor – Pong: Vincenç Esteve, tenor – Mandarín: José A. García-Quijada, baritone – Príncipe de Persia: Gorka Gerrikabeitia, tenor (*) – Sirvientas: Begoña Lapatzaand Ola Revuelta, sopranos (*) (*) Choir Components
The Malaga Philharmonic Orchestra – The Choir of Santa Maria de la Victoria – The Choral Society of Bilbao – Alexander Rahbari, director
Recorded in the Miguel de Cervantes Municipal Theatre inMalaga, 26thand 27thofOctober 2001 NAXOS-Collection of Opera Classics 8.660089-90 / 2 CDs
2003 HNH International Ltd.

Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901) Requiem A Homaje to Alfredo Kraus
Soprano: Carmen Ribera – Mezzo-soprano: Antonella Dalla Pozza – Tenor: Miguel Olano – Bass: Elia Todisco
The Philharmonic Orchestra of Spain – The Choral Society of Bilbao – PascualOsa, director
Recorded live in the Arriaga Theatre in Bilbao on September 10th 2001
Alfredo KrausOmenaldia LCD-059 2 CDs Estudios TIO PETE – Dep. Legal BI-2710-01
The Hamlet

The Hamlet
Jesús Guridi (1886-1961) A lyrical comedy in three acts Libreto by Federico Romero and Guillermo Fernández Shaw
Santi: Vicente Sardinero, baritone – Ana Mari: Ana Rodrigo, soprano – José Miguel: Emilio Sánchez, tenor – Chomín: Felipe Nieto, tenor – Don Leoncio/…: Felipe Nieto, tenor – Eustasia/…: María José Suárez, soprano
The Symphony Orchestra of Bilbao – The Choral Society of Bilbao – Juanjo Mena, director
Recorded in the JesúsGuridiConservatory in Vitoria-Gasteizfrom the 20th to the 23rd of August 2001 Collection: Basque Classics DEIA Euskal Klasikoak
2003 Marco Polo &Naxos Hispánica, S.L.

Various Authors Songs for a Musical Education
The Conservatory Choir of Bilbao Recoreded betweenJune 2000 and March 2001, en los in the studios “Uncle Pete” in Urduliz LCD-048 Dep. Legal Bi-1143-01

Jesús Guridi (1886-1961) So sing the boys
The Bilbao Symphony Orchestra – The Conservatory Choir of The Bilbao Choir – Juanjo Mena, director
Recorded in the Euskalduna Palace between the 26th and the 30th of June 2000 Published by Marco Plo& Naxos Iberica, S.L. for DEIA Collection: Basque Classics DEIA EuskalKlasikoak Dep. Legal Bi-48024-2000
Rerelease: JESÚS GURIDI “Ten Basques Melodies-Thus sing the children” Spanish Classics Collection 8.557110
Reedición: JESÚS GURIDI “Ten Basques Melodies-Thus sing the children” Colección Spanish Classics 8.557110

AGUR JAUNAK-Musiques Basques
Various Authors
OlatzSaitua, soprano – The Capitole de Toulouse Orchestra – The Choral Society of Bilbao – Michel Plasson, director
Recorded in the Halle aux grains of Toulouse in December 1998
EMI Classics – 7243 5 56876 2 3 1999 EMI Records Ltd.

Jesús Guridi (1886-1961)
A lyrical drama in three acts with epilogue Libreto: based on the novel of the same name by Navarro Villosladatranslated into Spanish by José MaríaArroita-Jáuregui.
Amaya: Rebecca Copley, soprano – Amagoya: Marianne Cornetti, mezzo-soprano – Paula/…:ItxaroMentxaka, mezzo-soprano – Teodosio: Cesar Hernández, tenor – Asier: Rosendo Flores, bass – Miguel/…: Carlos Conde, baritone – Escudero 1/…: Agenl Pazos, tenor – Un anciano/…: Gorka Robles, tenor
The Bilbao Symphony Orchestra – The Choral Society of Bilbao – Theo Alcántara, director
Recorded: Arriaga Theatre in Bilbao 20th to the 27th of June 1998 NAXOS
Dep. Legal B-47752-1999 2 CDs

Goyescas o Los Majos Enamorados
Enric Granados (1867-1916)
An opera in three acts Libretto by Fernando Periquet Orchestration revised by Albert Guinovart
Rosario: Carmen González, soprano – Fernando: Josep Ruiz, tenor – Pepa: Maite Arruabarrena, mezzo-soprano – Paquiro: Alfonso Echevarria, bass
The Cadaqués Orchestra – The Choral Society of Bilbao – Gianandrea Noseda, director
Recorded in the Enric Granados Auditorium in Lleida commemorating the 700th anniversary of the University of Lleida, 21st and 22nd of April 1997
TR 0002 – 1997 TRITÓ, S.L.
Reedición Dep. legal B.34616-2007

Antón García Abril (1933-)
Josefina Brivio, mezzo-soprano – David Abeijón, reciter-child – The Symphony Orchestra of Galicia – Víctor Pablo, director
Recorded in the Palace of Congress-Auditorium in La Coruña, in December 1995
July 1997 Foundation Authorization 97032 7
Rerelease: 2000 IberautorCultural Promotions, S.R.L.

Jules Massenet An opera in four acts with libretto in French, written by Paul Millet and Henry Grumont, based on the novel of the same name by Gustave Flaubert
Salome: CerrilStuder, soprano – Hérodiade: Nadine Dense, mezzo-soprano – Jean: Ben Heppner, tenor – Hèrode: Thomas Hampson, baritone – Phanuel: José Van Dam, bass
Choir Orchestra of Capitole de Toulouse – The choral Society of Bilbao – Michel Plasson, director
Recorded at the Halle aux grains of Toulouse in December 1994 EMI Classics – 3 CDs B 0000252VI Rerelease: Warner Classics in 2012
Misa Criolla

Misa Criolla-Our Christmas
Ariel Ramírez
José Carreras, tenor – Percussion: Group Huancava – Piano: Ariel Ramírez
Coral Salve de Laredo – The Choral Society of Bilbao
Recorded at the Shrine of Good AppreciationinAmpueroin July 1987
Phillips Digital Classics 420 955-1 – Lp. Album 1988