Founded as the Orfeón Bilbaino in June 1886, and later renamed the Sociedad Coral de Bilbao on the 3rd of August that same year, it was formed with the aim of promoting awareness and spreading music in general, choir singing in particular
Early Performances

– Grand International Music Competition, he City of San Sebastian (1886) – The International Choir Competition in Madrid (1887) – The International Choir Competition of the Basque Festivals in Gernika (1888) – The International Choir Competition in Barcelona (1888) – The International Choir Competition in Santander (1890) Grand International Music Competition in San Sebastian (1890) – Grand International Music Competition of Harmony Music, Fanfares and Choirsin San Juan de Luz (1891) – Commemorative Competition for the 5th Centenary of the Discovery of America, Madrid (1892) – The International Choir Competition at the Universal exposition in Barcelona (1892) – Grand International Music Competition, of Harmony Music, Fanfares and students inla Ville de Biarritz (1893) – The International competition of Choirs and Bands in Pamplona (1894) – Grand National and International Music Competitionin la Ville de Marseille (1897) – Grand International Music Competition, Choirs, Harmonies, Fanfares in la Ville de Bordeaux (1898) – Grand International Music Competition in the City of San Sebastian (1902) – Grand International Music Competitionin la Ville de Bordeaux (1904) – The International Choral Competitionin la Ville de Verviers, Belguim (1905) Achieving First Place in all.
1905, the Promotion of the Basque Voice

Through our ups and downsand times of good and bad fortune, we aspire to our dreams of days of perfection.

Sus coros han actuado a las órdenes de directores de orquesta de reconocido prestigio internacional como: Ataulfo Argenta, Enrique Fernández Arbós, Bartolomé Pérez Casas, Wladimir Golscham, Juan Lamote de Grignon, Jasecha Horenstein, Sir Malcom Sargent, Odón Alonso, Enrique García Asensio, Antoni Ros Marbá, Miguel Ángel Gómez Martínez, Mstislav Rostropovich, Theo Alcántara, Michel Plasson, Víctor Pablo Pérez, Jan Lathan-Koening, Aldo Ceccato, George Prete, John Nelson, Uriel Segal, Josep Pons, Arturo Tamayo, José Ramón Encinar, Jerzy Semkow, Juanjo Mena, Yutaka Sado, Martin Haselböck, Michiyoshi Inoue, Christoph Spering and Jiri Belohlavek.
Relevant Releases

– The Beautitudes (1907), Ruth (1908), Redemption (1909), Rebecca (1909) and Psyche (1919), by C. Franck – Faust (1908), by R. Schumann – Dinner of the Apostles (1895), Parsifal (fragments) (1914), The Master Singers (1916) (fragments), by R. Wagner – Song of The Spirits Over The Waters (1901), by F. Schubert – Christmas Oratorio (fragments) (1901), by J. S. Bach – Olav Trygvason Norwiegen Mythology (1901), by E. Grieg – The Damnation of Fausto (1909), by H. Berlioz – The Passion os St Matthew(fragments) (1912), by J. S. Bach – A German Requiem (1913), by J. Brahms – L’Arlesienne (1916), by G. Bizet – The Dance of Prínce Igor (1919), by A. Borodin – Requiem (1934), by G. Verdi – Psalm XLVII (1943), by F. Schmitt – Elíjah (1953), by F. Mendelssohn – Solemn whispers of a Confessor (1956), by W. A. Mozart – Carmina Burana (1960), by C. Orff – Hodie (1997), by R.Vaughan-Williams – Requiem (2003), by G. Ligeti – Spring Symphony (2012), by B. Britten
And on the world stage:
– Basque Paintings (1931), by J. Guridi – Castilla (oratorio) (1941), by J. Arámbarri – Illeta (cantata) (1955) y Gernika (ópera) (1987), by F. Escudero – Gernika (oratorio) (1990), by G. Sierra – Medea (ópera) (1991), by M. Theodorakis – Euskadi. Euskarari Abestia (1995), by C. A. Bernaola
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